You will be prompted once to be sure that’s what you truly mean to do. Clicking this button will delete the highlighted key in the list.

On the right-hand side of the plugin’s customization dialog, you will see a button with an icon that looks like a red "X". New keys are checked against the current list of keys before being added, and duplicates are discarded. Or Cancel if you don’t want to create a key. Ĭlick the OK button to create and store the generated key. It will only be used to fetch the key from the B &N server. As with the email address, this will not be stored anywhere on your computer or in calibre.

B &N/nook account password: this is the password for your Barnes and Noble/nook account. It will only be used to fetch the account key that from the B &N server, and it is that key that will be stored in the preferences. This email will not be stored anywhere on your computer or in calibre. B &N/nook account email address: This is the default email address for your Barnes and Noble/nook account. Choose something that will help you remember the data (account email address) it was created with. This name will show in the list of configured keys. Unique Key Name: this is a unique name you choose to help you identify the key. Clicking this button will open a new dialog for entering the necessary data to generate a new key. On the right-hand side of the plugin’s customization dialog, you will see a button with an icon that looks like a green plus sign (+). This method has now been incorporated into the plugin. Someone commenting at Apprentice Alf's blog detailed a way to retrieve a new account key using the account's email address and password. This means that most users will now find that no combination of their name and CC# will work in decrypting their recently downloaded ebooks. Instead of deriving the key from the user's name and credit card number, they started generating a random key themselves, sending that key through to devices when they connected to the Barnes & Noble servers. In mid-2014, Barnes & Noble changed the way they generated encryption keys. Continue reading for key generation and management instructions. If you have upgraded from an earlier version of the plugin, any existing Barnes and Noble keys will have been automatically imported, so you might not need to do any more configuration.